Round Square Conference 2010 Steering Committee Meetings

This is now the third term in which I have been working with the rest of the student steering committee in preparing for this year’s International RS conference.

Having lunch with Khun Nui at the Father Rae Foundation

What did I do?

Our long list of things to do is forever growing as we get progressively closer to the 9th of October. This term, on the creativity committee, we managed to complete the digital copy of the t-shirt designs which means we have been able to place the order. This had been one of my aims for this term so I am very pleased. We have also largely focused on the program itself which includes organizing the registration, opening and closing ceremonies, international lunch, sustainable dinner, service day activities etc. Another major project we have begun is our student steering committee performance. We decided that during the opening ceremony we would like to present something on stage so we have been busy practicing and producing the music for this performance (see video below). One day after school we got to meet Khun Nui, who lives and works at the Father Ray Foundation in Pattaya. She was born without arms and legs and is going to attend our conference to tell her story. I have no doubt that she will be a very motivating and inspiring speaker.

The steering committee meets Khun Nui

What problems did I encounter along the way?

We came across a rather major problem this term which was the unstable political situation between the red and yellow shirts in Bangkok. A couple of schools have already dropped out as they consider it to be too unsafe. There is not much we could do about this apart from keep our fingers crossed and hope that the problems will soon blow by. As of right now we are going to continue planning as if the conference is still going to take place for sure!

Khun Nui writing us a receipt for lunch

What are my next goals?

My main aim for next term I hope to learn all the moves to the performance we are doing off by heart. Currently I am finding it slightly more challenging than expected as all the timings and angles have to be spot on for it to look good.

A drawn and written version of our performance moves

What did I achieve?

I now realize how much time and patience goes into preparing for a performance. In the dance we will only be using our hands but still I am finding it quite challenging. I certainly have a new found respect for people who engage in any form of performance and therefore feel that I am more caring. I also learnt a lot and have become more knowledgeable from simply listening to Khun Nui’s story. Through her struggles and hardships she learnt that positive thinking was the key to keep going. Khun Nui is today able to live on her own and take care of her herself, even without the use of prosthetic limbs, which made me realize that we are capable of so much more than we think.

The steering committee's rehearsal video

Find out more about the Father Ray Foundation:

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