Pattaya Bed Race Planning and Activity

What was the activity?

The Pattaya Bed Push is an annual charity event in which teams push beds along the streets of Pattaya in a race to cross the finish line. Participants have to pay an entry fee per bed as a source of fund raising. Roughly 15 of us Regents students decided to partake and represent our school.

Decorating our beds before the race

What were my aims?

1. To be an inquirer. I would achieve this by finding out more about the charities involved in the bed race through sources such as the internet.

2. To work well and cooperate with all my other team members.

2. To physically challenge myself and to do my very best to keep up with the rest of the team’s pace.

The finished result of our decorated bed

What did I do?

As we arrived around four hours prior to the start of the race we had plenty of time to decorate our bed and to converse with our team members. During this time we also managed to talk through tactics on how to get the best possible time. As we could only have a maximum of four people pushing the bed at any one point, we decided to have some people wait alongside different points on the track in order for us to swap runners when we got tired. As we took time to talk through this I definitely feel that I managed to cooperate and work well with my team, just as I’d hoped.

Our bed was ready to go!

Were there any problems along the way?

During the actual race one of the problems I encountered was the fact that I was tired out faster than expected and was therefore finding it difficult to keep up with everyone else. I did push myself just that little bit further though, and definitely managed to work up a sweat. Fortunately my other teammates helped me out when I was too exhausted to run any further. On a personal level I can say I was very pleased with my efforts and as a team we managed to come in third which we all felt was a really big achievement considering there were around 100 beds in the race. If we participate again next year, then I will make sure I hydrate myself properly before the race so that I don’t tire out as fast. At the end of the day though the event was about the charities and, considering the vast number of participants, I’m confident a substantial amount of money was raised.

The road we ran on

What have I achieved?

From this activity I have learnt that when it comes to team based activities, communication is vital. We spoke to one another and delegated tasks very well which I think is why we performed so successfully. I have also learnt that it’s important not to give up even when I really feel like it. Pushing yourself that little bit further can really give you a strong sense of achievement. I was a successful inquirer as I found out a bit about the charities involved and the event organizers (Interact Rotary) through website such as the one below.

Learn more about the event and the charities involved:

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